Marilen Lagniton
Consulting Head of Patient Experience, De Los Santos Medical Center, Philippines
Marilen Lagniton is the Consultant for Patient Experience at De Los Santos Medical Center in the Philippines. Before retirement, she held the office of Senior Vice President for Patient Experience and Head of the Marketing Group at St. Luke’s Medical Center. She has over 30 years of experience in patient care, healthcare marketing, business development, risk and reputation management and hospital operations.
11.40 - 12.25 PM Panel
Wednesday 21 October
How Do We Achieve the Connected, Automated and Patient-Centric Hospital in the Post-Covid World?
- What does patient-centricity mean for your organisation, and how does technological investment translate into better outcomes for patients?
- The traditional healthcare business model is changing, and high-tech devices are increasingly a part of healthcare. How can a traditional hospital keep up with the changing times, especially in a world with rapid advances in technology?
- Everyone talks about patient-centricity, but with the pandemic, caregiver (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, staff, etc) experience and safety has made headlines across the globe. How can caregivers also be made secure? Can technology help - and if so, how?
- Real-time communication is a real pain-point for a lot of healthcare organisations, especially as healthcare steps out of the hospital into rural clinics, communities and even homes. What sort of connectivity-enabled future do you envision for healthcare, when will we see things like remote surgery, VR, etc? What are some of the technologies that need to be in place to make this happen?
- Finally, are digital innovation and technology enough? How do you choose what tech to invest in and what to skip, how do you resist buying technology just because it's a shiny new toy out there? Also, to truly enable patient-centricity, what are the process-oriented and "soft" aspects of innovation that need to happen, beyond hard technology implementations?